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                                          ORCHID SOCIETY

Grow with us and share the wonder!

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In-person meeting

Sunday February 23, 2025

Important:  We are back at the Northgate Lions Seniors Recreation Centre for 2024/25!

Venue: Northgate Lions Seniors Recreation Centre

7524 139 Ave, Edmonton AB


11:45                   Setup

12:30 to 1:00      Culture Session: Orchid Fair Plant Preparation    Presented by Darrell Albert

1:00 General Meeting

1:30 Speaker: Chuck Taylor

Topic: Orchid Photography

 4:00                       Takedown and clean-up

    Membership Renewals are Due

    Please ensure you renew your Membership to be able to buy plants and supplies.  
    Payments can be made at the meeting. A debit machine will be available.

    Tea/coffee $2 / Lunch table $3

    A door fee of $10 will be charged to non-members

        2024/25 Meeting Dates

        Speakers and Events

        Mark your calendars!

        Subject to change. Speakers will be updated as the information becomes available

        September 22, 2024 

        Seminar: Martin Motes - Motes Orchids

        Topic: Temperature tolerant low light Vandas. 

        Culture Session: Orchid light, lights and lighting (hosted by Dean Chesterman)

        October 27, 2024

        Annual General Meeting with Executive Elections & Silent Auction

        **Please note: Change from November to accommodate guest speaker**  

        November 24, 2024

        Seminar: Dr. Leslie Ee-President Canadian Orchid Congress

        Topic:  Black Orchids - The Lure, the Lust and                                           Licentiousness

        Culture Session: Self-watering pots by Tien Klassen

        January 26, 2025

        Seminar: Ben Rostron, AOS Judge

        Topic: AOS Judging

        Culture Session: Homemade Bioenzyme Fertilizer by Tien Klassen.

        February 23, 2025

        Seminar: Chuck Taylor

        Topic: Orchid Photography

        Culture Session: Orchid Fair Plant Preparation by Darrell Albert

        March 23, 2025 

        SHOW PREP

        April 27, 2025

        Beginners’ Month

        May 25, 2025

        Seminar: TBA

        Culture Session: TBA

        June 22, 2025 

        Seminar: TBA

        Culture Session: TBA


        Please note

        There are No Meetings in July, August or December

        Guests are always welcome!  If you'd like to come to a meeting to see what goes on, feel free to join us any time.  Please note that there is a $10.00 entry fee for guests, which is deducted from the membership fee upon joining.

        When & Where....

        Fourth Sunday of Every month 12:30P.M. to 4:00 P.M.

        (unless otherwise advised or over long weekends)

        MEETING TIMES: 12:00-4:00 P.M.

        Setup: 11:45 A.M.

        Show Table: 12:30 P.M.

        Culture Session: 12:30-1:00 P.M.

        OSA Member General Meeting: 1:00-1:30 P.M.

        Plant sales: 1:00 P.M. 

        Speaker of the month: 1:30-4:00 P.M.


        Northgate Lions Seniors Recreation Centre

        7524 139 Ave, Edmonton AB

        Please click here for 

        a map to our Monthly Meetings

        Source: Google Maps     

        The Society meets nine times per year, normally on the Fourth Sunday of the month.

        There are no meetings in July, August and December. We also try to avoid having meetings on major holidays, so check the meeting schedule on this website or your monthly newsletter for date

        Orchid Society of Alberta
        P.O. Box 31117, RPO Namao Centre
        Edmonton, AB T5Z 3P3


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