In-person meeting
Sunday September 22, 2024
Important: We are back at the Northgate Lions Seniors Recreation Centre for 2024/25!
Venue: Northgate Lions Seniors Recreation Centre
7524 139 Ave, Edmonton AB 11:45am Setup
Noon Meeting Open
12:30pm Culture session: Orchid light, lights and lighting 1:30pm OSA General Meeting 2:00pm Speaker: Martin Motes, Motes Orchids Topic: Temperature tolerant low light Vandas 4:00pm Adjournment and Takedown
Martin will have plants available for sale at the meeting. The pre-order for this meeting is already completed.
Membership Renewals are Due
Please ensure you renew your Membership to be able to buy plants and supplies.
Payments can be made at the meeting. A debit machine will be available.
Tea/coffee $2 / Lunch table $3
A door fee of $10 will be charged to non-members